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“We are proposing to amend our electronic records management regulations to add a subpart containing standards for digitizing permanent Federal records so that agencies may dispose of the original source records, where appropriate and in accordance with the Federal Records Act amendments of 2014…”

Comments Due February 1

“This rule-making covers only permanent records. Permanent records, as defined by 36 C.F.R. §1220.18, are those for which the disposition is deemed permanent on NARA’s standardized records management form. The term includes all records accessioned into NARA and any federal record that has been determined by NARA to have sufficient value to warrant its preservation in NARA—even while it remains in agency custody.”

The standards in the proposed rule-making — essentially calling for FADGI 3-Star image quality levels — apply retroactively to digitized permanent records that have not been transferred to the National Archives. If agencies determine their previously digitized records are not in compliance with these standards, re-digitizing may be necessary.

