A conversation with Brian Tuemmler from Infotechtion.com and 5 key takeaways about auto-classification.
Some takeaways from my conversation with Brian Tuemmler from Infotechtion.com, and based on his “MasterClass” – ification for unstructured content blog series.
Vendors who only talk about their technology -- rather than the benefits it gives potential customers -- are making a big mistake. But an equal mistake is erring so far on the side of benefits that are abstract and high-level and sound like the technology equivalent of achieving world peace. Focus on the connection between “why” and how” in talking to potential customers.
If you ask most organizations what is on their shared drives, they will say “garbage.” But if you really understood what is in these digital landfills, you would find there is value -- and risk -- hidden away in them.
When migrating information from on-premise to the cloud, don’t just move it. When you touch it, use this as an opportunity to improve it and cull it and categorize it and add value to it.
The value of what we do in classification is consistency, which is critical to demonstrating process integrity -- especially in a legal context.
Strive to answer three questions about content as you seek to classify it:
What is it?
What is its context?
What is its value or risk?